Active Management
Consilium PW & Fundhouse have collaborated to prepare quarterly reports that will guarantee result to the right classes of asset. After that, we analyze the stability of the fund managers and choose accordingly the best ones. With the rights to a category II FSB license in this team of experts, we can manage your funds on a regular basis so that we can always get the upside of the specific asset class. As we believe that you a professional, sometimes you may not be able to see your advisor at your preferred time. Of course, life has obstacles and a meeting could take some time to schedule. The financial wheel of the markets never stops turning; they never take a break and they do not wait for any individuals to make changes. This situation of clients losing touch with the management of their investment has been proven over and over again. Many individuals have lost unnecessary wealth due to this lack of attention.
At Consilium Private Wealth, we are here to provide this safety net for you, our clients, with the aim of protecting your wealth.